Project description
The SiPMO project (from the Simulated Project Management Office) deals with the explanation and application of project management techniques and is aimed mainly at university students, but also at the general public who would like to expand their knowledge in the given area . The project focuses on the application of basic techniques and methods of project management for planning time continuity, drawing costs, using resources and managing risks, but it also focuses on methods of project management using current standards and takes into account current modern approaches such as agile project management. The project consists of two basic parts, which focus on acquiring theoretical knowledge and practical skills for the use of university graduates in the common labor market.
The main outputs of the project are a web platform, an e-learning course and a management game. A web platform with a communication forum will allow students from partner universities to interact. The e-learning course will focus on basic knowledge of project management issues, and in the form of video lectures, animated case studies, supporting materials and final tests, students will be able to acquire comprehensive theoretical knowledge in the given issue, taking into account the different project management methodologies used in the Czech Republic and Bavaria. Using the management game, students will try to manage a project in a simulated environment, which will be influenced by a number of external conditions and influences to which they will have to adapt. All outputs will already be implemented during the project in the teaching of subjects focused on project management.